Please note that the pre-order campaign has ended.
Currently the tracks are prepared in the audio studio to ensure the best hearing experience on Vinyl.
After some test pressings we start the main production in April and will deliver the final product to you in May / June.
Thanks again for your support!
From Paradox Development Studio’s original sci-fi title, Stellaris, comes the soundtrack composed by Andreas Waldetoft including performances by the Brandenburg State Orchestra and Budapest Film Orchestra.
This set of two Vinyl delivers the hand chosen gems from this soundtrack, including bonus tracks and alternate versions not included in the game.
Listeners will hear themes meant to evoke discovery and far-reaching exploration through the vast expanse of space through the fusion of melodic orchestral performance with synthetic creations.
This soundtrack provides fans with a growing, living set of music.

"To boldly go where Paradox has never gone before."
That was pretty much the mindset I had when I went into scoring Stellaris. When I initially got involved in the project, there was quite a lot of musical experimenting, and I went through many variations on how to compose and produce music for Stellaris.
I have lots of sketching material from those early days that show how the “Stellaris sound” was starting to take shape. Of course, from the beginning I knew there should be synth elements, but I also wanted to bring in the orchestral colors to refine the space opera feeling.
Much time was spent on making the synthetic palette of sounds that would drive the atmospheric and melodic elements that became the final soundtrack. It is incredible what you can do with some sine and sawtooth waveforms.
The biggest influencer when it came to sounds was Vangelis. I started listening to him when I was very young, creating vivid fantasy worlds in my mind. Another big influencer was the very stars themselves, and to this day, I still get extremely creative on those nights when I can see thousands of stars in the sky.
- Andreas Waldetoft, Composer